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Visitors 111
62 photos

Here are a few examples from a large collection of aerial images of various shorelines from around the Chesapeake Bay over the years. If you don't see what you might be looking for then please let me know.....I may have something, or be able to go and fly it a site for you.
Thanks for stopping in!
Little Island on the Magothy RiverFall Foliage on the CliffsGarrett Island BridgesReflections over the Susquehanna FlatsFall on Hall CreekBohemia River in Cecil County, MarylandConowingo Dam on the Susquehanna RiverJames Islands on the Little Choptank River in Dorchester CountyJames Islands on the Little Choptank RiverBlackwater National Wildlife RefugeOyster Farm on Castle Haven PointShorline at the Mouth of the Hurst CreekBlackwater National Wildlife RefugeWindmill Point on Honga River in Dorchester County, MdIndian Creek ShorelineSalt Marsh in Black Water RefugeA View Down the Hunting CreekView of Marsh Creek in Dorchester CountyThe Choptank River South of the Dover BridgeTrippe Bay near Ragged Island

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:(Chesapeake, Aerial), Bay, Shorelines